We have Sadie, my almost-10-year-old stepdaughter, for the weekend. This morning, we walked over to the Newport Restaurant for breakfast. It was less than a mile and a half round trip but Joe and Sades were dragging their feet. Afterward, we took Sadie thrifting at the big Goodwill on Kirkwood Highway, where we speed-shopped our way around the store because we only had about 45 minutes until Sadie’s first-ever eye doctor appointment.
Girlfriend has been convinced she needs glasses. Like, she’s been actively campaigning for them. All of her friends have glasses, she told us more than once. Her mom’s boyfriend’s daughter has them, too. She really, really, really needed glasses.
Eye doctor disagrees. Her prescription is so slight, she says, that Sadie should be able to see 98% of everything without the glasses. If we opted to get her glasses, they won’t do any damage. But she really, really, really doesn’t need them.
Sadie is crestfallen. “But I do really need them,” she tells us again. “I need the glasses.”
Our vision plan is fairly solid. It doesn’t help ME much, because my prescription is too strong (whenever I need glasses I’m looking at easily $300 a pair or more, and that’s WITH insurance). Joe fares better; his last pair only cost $165. When it comes to glasses for Sadie, I’m thinking it’s going to be at least $100. I brace myself for the estimate.
It comes to a total of $23.99 (plus another $10 copay for the exam). That’s less than $35 for the glasses.
We get the kid some glasses.
She picks out this very studious brown pair, which surprised me. I was eyeing up the blues and the pinks and other fun frames. “I like the brown ones best,” she informs us.
We get the kid some brown glasses.
Later, after two rounds of bowling with my friend Candace and her three little ones, and after a trip to Salad Works that Sadie requested specifically, she gets a call from her mom.
“Did Lara tell you I got glasses?” she says excitedly. “They look just like [her mom’s boyfriend’s daughter’s] glasses.”
Joe and I exchange a look. So THAT’s why she insisted on the brown ones.
The next several minutes of conversation center on the glasses: when they’ll be ready for pick up, how she they’ll need to be fitted to her face, how she can’t wait to tell her teacher that she got glasses, how she can’t wait to tell her mom’s boyfriend’s daughter about them, too.
Meanwhile, in the front seat, Joe and I are stifling laughter the entire time.
When I got my first pair of glasses, I was one of the only kids in my class who had them. And they were dorky. Simply having glasses, I mean, not just mine (though mine were SUPER dorky – clear frames, tinted blue at the top and pink at the bottom, which I selected because I thought it would look like makeup). They were not fashionable in 1986. At least not with the Caravel Academy middle school set.
But this kid –
It is ALL about the glasses. You’ve never seen a kid so excited to need get corrective eye wear.
Now we’re about to tuck in for some pumpkin spice tea and a family friendly movie. All in all, a lovely little Saturday with Sadie.